09 May Arrancó el proyecto Aeroskills
- The objective of the project is to offer a training program in transversal skills to a group of students from IES Barajas and CIFP Aguas Nuevas to improve their skills in the aeronautical sector.
- The initiative has the collaboration of Airbus, Iberia and the Fundación University-Business, who have defined, in collaboration with educational the centers, the training program.
- Aeroskills project has been one of those selected to be financed by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and by the European Union Next Generation EU.
IES Barajas, CIFP Aguas Nuevas, Airbus, Iberia and Fundación Universidad-Universidad (FUE) have jointly developed the Aeroskills project, an initiative that aims to align the needs of companies in the aeronautical sector with a quality training plan in transversal skills.
“This project arises from the need to strengthen the collaboration between the educational system and the productive system through training and practice to improve both the development of personal and professional aspects of the participants, such as the competitiveness of the companies and finally favor regional development” declared Luis López, director of IES Barajas and Coordinator of the project.
And he adds that, for this «the project has been designed by the Training Centers and participant Companies in their efforts to improve the education of their students and introduce innovative programs aligned with the needs of companies and their students”.
The objective of the project is to improve practical experience, skills and training for the employment of VET and Dual VET students, through training in transversal skills while doing internships at Airbus and Iberia. In September 2021, the last group of 52 Vocational Training students joined Iberia to carry out their internships at the airline’s maintenance facilities in La Muñoza, near the airport of Madrid. As for Airbus, a total of 79 students who joined in 2021 are studying Dual Vocational Training or Training in Work Centers, a figure that reaches 69 students so far in 2022.
On the other hand, training will be given to company tutors in charge of supervising students in practices in order to «professionalize» their role and improve the experience of the students. In parallel, throughout the project, a series of work sessions will be held with the tutors of the training centers to identify students’ training needs and experience exchange sessions will be scheduled with the tutors of the collaborating companies.
The program plans to train a minimum of 55 VET and Dual VET students and a minimum of 50 company tutors.
Aeroskills project has been one of those selected within the call for grants aimed at carrying out innovation projects and applied research and transfer of knowledge in Vocational Training to be financed by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and by the European Union-Next Generation EU.